Industry Web Series Review: TVF has launched a new show called Industry which is streaming on Amazon Mini TV. Inside Industry, you get to see the story of an aspiring writer Ayush who is working hard to break into the film industry. He has been working hard for 10 years and he wants a film to be made on his story. So whether his dream is fulfilled or not, to know that you have to watch Industry which has five episodes whose length varies from 35 minutes to 50 minutes.
How does the film industry work, how does nepotism work. How are films produced, what is the procedure of casting, how are pictures made, how is their business done. What respect do writers get on the set, everything has been shown keeping all these things in mind.
Industry Web Series’ writing is dull
The impact that should be there in Industry Web Series, that X factor, that X factor was completely missing here. Meaning you will watch the show, you will not say that it was rubbish but after watching the show you will feel that something was missing, meaning that the high moment that should be there in a show does not reach that high moment. You will feel that now something will happen from where the show will pick up completely, now something will happen from where the fun will be doubled, but while waiting for that moment the show ended completely.
Although this show is made for the writers, but somewhere there were shortcomings in the writing. TVF is making this show and yet such writing and such execution did not work. Apart from this, the emotional journey of the main character also did not seem that special. Yes, the character has been shown in a very grey shade. So I liked this thing very much that the characters have been given a grey shade while keeping them black or white, which is a very good thing, we get to see this very rarely.
The actors did a strong acting in the Industry Web Series
Ayush’s character was good, along with that there is a character of Rocky, which Lucky has played, the depth of that character was more good than Ayush. That guy has done a very good job, he has impressed a lot, the acting grace that you will get to see in the character of Rocky was very good. The actors have done a good job, Gagan Arora is seen here, he acted well in the character of Ayush.
Asha Negi is seen here, she also did a very good job. She is the co-writer of Ayush, her acting was seen very well. Apart from this, you get to see many writers directors here, who have done their cameo and to be honest, they have done the work quite well. Taking all this together, it would have been fun if there was an amazing screenplay, this show has not ended yet, its season two will come and season two can come in a very good way, the climax of season one has given an idea of this.
Watch Season one on AMAZON MINITV