Bicchoo Ka Khel Web Series cast, crew, and free episodes downloading guide here. Bicchoo Ka Khel Web Series release date 18 November 2020. See more ZEE5 original Web Series Kaale Dhande Web Series and Kaali Web Series updates here on Netseries.
Storyline: If the story of ‘Bicchu Ka Khel’, which is reminiscent of pulp literature, is dull, then the screenplay is also extremely loose. Ashish R left the right stone. Shukla’s weak direction made it happen. His control over the artists is not visible anywhere. Everyone keeps talking loudly and seems intent on breaking the record of over-acting. No artist impresses except Trishna Mukherjee. Craving here is like a ‘silk patch in sackcloth’. Seeing him in an unnecessarily noisy web series, a couplet kept roaming in my mind – ‘In this crowd of voices, in so much noise/ How difficult it is to have one’s own opinion.’Watch more ZEE5 web series updates.