Vadhandhi Web Series
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Vivek, a diligent cop, takes charge of the investigation of the murder of a beautiful young girl, Velonie. As an unjust and sensational media trial threatens to irrevocably damage Velonie’s image, Vivek must wade through a web of half-truths and confusing leads to solve the case. The series is produced by Pushkar & Gayatri and created by Andrew Louis.



S J Suryah,













Vadhandhi Web Series cast, crew, and free episodes downloading guide here. Vadhandhi Web Series release date 2nd December 2022. See more Prime Video original Web Series Maradona Web Series and Mumbai Diaries updates here on Netseries.

Storyline: At the center of the story of Vaadhandhi is Vivek, an honest and dashing police officer, who is busy solving the murder of 18-year-old Veloni. After the murder, some rumors start spreading about Veloni, which are tarnishing her image. This is also a challenge for Vivek to put an end to these rumors by solving the case quickly.

About Vadhandhi

Vadhandhi is an Indian popular web series in
Hindi Language
created by Amazon Prime Video,
and now streaming on its OTT Platform Amazon Prime Video.
This series is directed by Andrew Louis,
and its a Drama show.

Vadhandhi Web Series Release Date

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