Multipurpose Full Body Groomer Trimmer Set For Men
Vinci Bharati Academy
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Multipurpose Full Body Groomer Trimmer Set For Men

Vinci Bharati Academy


“The complete story is distributed in two parts. One of which revolves around 4 ex-IICans who
have been honorarily invited by IIC on the day of result. These 4 ex-IICans are seen in a place
which we call ‘Reality’. The other part of the story unfolds inside a place in the Vinci Bharati
Academy itself which is known as ‘Delusion’.













Vinci Bharati Academy Web Series cast, crew and episodes watching guide. Vinci Bharati Academy web series releasing on 24th September.

Having been admitted to IIC, Siladitya comes to know some of his batchmates. There is Anujoy, who is a theatre artist. Then there is Keya, who is working on a special paper on the subject called “”Overrated””. Rockstar Babi is also one of them. Apart from them, Sila meets his seniors in the likes of Imon, Jiya, Palash etc. The daily life of Siladitya takes a steep turn as his idea of life starts to change after meeting these students.

Siladitya is astonished to see these students! These people do not get a chance to leave the institute campus, as one must be Delusional in order to become an Artist! Secondly, all the seniors, juniors without any inhibition of their gender live together; more because an Artist has no Religion, nor any specific gender.

This gives them a chance to learn what the word ‘consent’ actually mean. They have to do a course even, on the subject called ‘Consent’. Third, love is not prohibited here. But it is prohibited to be in love with only one person! Because, in order to become a successful artist, one must practice Polygamy. Last, but not the least, one here learns how to survive without food as it is a universal truth that artists do not get timely food!

Siladitya and co. pass through this kind of life. There is Monalisa, too, who is the right hand of Bhinchi Babu and is very strict. In order to enjoy the campus-life one must minutely avoid the red-eyed Monalisa. The students get the support to do so from their beloved teacher, Arno da! An ex-IICan, Arno da always comes forward to resolve any and every issue that the students face here.

Meanwhile, after passing an assignment with flying colours, Siladitya, Anujoy, Rai, Keya, Babiget to know that Vinci iBharati Academy has two separate wings! One is for the students like Anujoy etc, which is known as ‘Talented Wing’. The other one is called ‘Chosen Wing’.

This wing is for those who has been brought to this world with only one objective–To Become an Artist!
Some of them have won reality shows at the age of six, some have gathered millions of dollars at a tender age, some have gathered enormous YouTube followers.

The next part reveals as these two wings are engaged in a competition where they compete each other. This is called Healthy Competition. Arno guides the team of Siladitya and co. whereas Devdutta is mentoring the other team. Devdutta is a professor of Negligible Knowledge, but she is more resourceful than Arno. The team which wins this competition, get the chance to participate in Uncommon Room Access exam which is held six months prior to IIC. There are 200 seats inside the Uncommon Room and it is a known fact that whoever has
the advantage of Uncommon Room, will have a huge advantage in IIC.

The preparation starts. They engage in their studies. Love pops out at some situation, making life hell of the people. We see number of hurdles, which are to be overcome. The main attraction of this Five-Episode series is to see who wins the Healthy Competition at the end.”.

About Vinci Bharati Academy

Vinci Bharati Academy is an Indian popular web series in
Bengali Language
created by Klikk,
and now streaming on its OTT Platform Klikk.
This series is directed by Soumit Deb,
and its a Comedy show.

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Multipurpose Full Body Groomer Trimmer Set For Men

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